Exercise Supplement - Egg White Protein 340g

Benefits Of An Egg White Protein:

When picking a protein powder, you may have looked at whey, casein or even vegetarian protein supplements, like soy or hemp. One that is often overlooked, however, is egg-white protein powder. This powder has many benefits as a supplement and may also be superior to dairy or plant-based proteins for certain individuals. Whey and casein are both dairy-based, meaning they're not suitable for those with a dairy allergy. Egg-based protein powders are lactose-free, however, meaning they're a good replacement for dairy proteins, notes personal trainer and sports nutritionist Ben Greenfield. With around 25 grams of protein in a 30-gram serving, the protein content is very similar to that of whey and casein. The proteins in egg whites digest at a moderate speed, according to sports scientist Jim Stoppani. Whey is a fast-digesting protein, while casein is considered slow-digesting. Because egg-white protein powder falls somewhere in the middle, it keeps muscle protein synthesis going for longer than if you consumed just whey.

Nutrition Facts:

  • Calories 113
  • Calories from Fat 0
  • Total Fat 0g
  • Cholesterol 0mg
  • Sodium 352mg
  • Potassium 0mg
  • Total Carbohydrate 2g
  • Sugar 0g
  • Protein 23g

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