1000mg Essential Amino Acid Sport Supplements


L-lysine is an amino acid (a building block of protein) that is essential for health. However, it cannot be manufactured naturally in the human body like other types of amino acids. Therefore, L-lysine, also called lysine, is considered as one of the eight essential amino acids.

In order to obtain lysine, one has to eat foods high in its content or take dietary supplements containing it. As a building block for protein, amino acids like L-lysine are necessary for normal growth and development. In particular, L-lysine is needed by the body to manufacture carnitine, a substance that is used in the conversion of fatty acids into energy. It also helps in calcium absorption and collagen formation which are important for muscle and bone health.

Foods that are high in L-lysine include high protein foods like nuts, red meat, eggs, milk, cheese, beans, and sardines. However, some people may need more than just the usual dietary food to supply their needs for lysine, such as athletes, body builders, vegetarians, and vegans. These people can get additional sources of L-lysine from nutritional supplements in the form of liquids, tablets, or capsules which are available in health stores or pharmacies.


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